Sunday, February 24, 2008

What was I thinking????

I made a big mistake last night by letting KK go to bed at 7:00 p.m. I knew it at the time too. It was such a tough decision. Should I continue to let her walk around the house screaming and crying because she was so tired and try to keep her awake for one more hour? Or should I let her go to bed? For most children this could actually be a normal bedtime. Unfortunately, little Miss KK is not a great sleeper and we get between 9-10 hours a night out of her. Usually closer to 9.
Just as I suspected would happen she woke up at 4:20 a.m. bright and chipper ready for the day to begin. Who in their right mind gets up that early? That is just crazy!!! So there I was getting up with my two year old and I don't even drink coffee. I really think they should make a drink for those of us that just don't like that coffee taste! Soda is about the only thing but who wants carbination at that early hour.
And hubby wants more, I really think I am done!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

After a night like that....I think I would definitely be done too! :-) Amy