Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Disneyland Day 2

On our second morning at Disneyland everyone slept in till 7. After we all woke up we checked on Grandma to see how her ankle was doing. It was swollen and bruised. Hubby talked to Grandma and said we could take her home now if she wanted. She didn't want to do that to the girls. So he offered that we take her home around noon but she didn't want that either. She was really worried the girls would be sad to leave soon. So we compromised to leaving first thing unday morning.

In the meantime, Hubby would take the girls to Disneyland while I called around to find some crutches for Grandma. I was shocked that hubby was up for taking the girls by himself to Disneyland. He usually likes to have a one to one ratio in crowded public places. So off he went and had the girls in the park by 8:3o. I began making numerous phone calls to various CVS Pharmacies, Target Pharmacies, and Walgreens. One of the CVS Pharmacies said they had crutches. I told them I needed them for a 5'6" woman. They told me they were adjustable. Since I have never used crutches in my life I didn't question it and drove the twenty minute drive out to the store and purchased the crutches.

To our surprise once I opened up the crutches and Grandma tried them out they were way too big. After looking carefully we discovered they were for a 5'10" man or taller. So I had to call around and find someone else who would carry the right size. The only place I could find was a Medical Supply store in Orange, CA. So I returned the crutches that were the wrong size and drove out to the medical supply story to get the correct size crutches. At last, we finally had what Grandma needed.

After returning, I got Grandma all set up with the crutches and decided to join hubby and the kids at California Adventures. I think by this time it was nearing 12:00.


Anonymous said...

How incredibly frustrating for you! Who would know you would have to get different sizes of "adjustable" crutches! It sure was nice of you to take such good care of her the way you did though. I'm sure she really appreciates you and everything you did for her. :) Amy

Anonymous said...

it's such a bummer you had to leave early, but I am glad you had at least a few days of fun with the girls!