Sunday, January 1, 2012

Ed's Holiday Party at work

We weren't going to go to Ed's Holiday party for his work this year.  The baby is still too young to leave with a babysitter since she has never been left with anyone but Daddy.  Ed told his work we wouldn't be going.  His boss told him he had too.  He said I would have to stay home with the baby.  His boss told him it was very important that I go too and we could bring the baby!

We found a great babysitter for the older two girls.  I had to wear this two piece outfit because I am still breastfeeding the baby.  She looked so cute in her Christmas dress!

The baby did better than expected!  When we got to the party they had a special spot just for us at the V.I.P. table with all of the important executives!  The baby sure kept me busy but at least she didn't cry and upset anyone.  Many of Ed's coworkers and upper management came to me and said what an amazing job Ed has done for the company and how brilliant he is and how amazing he is at analyzing and paying attention to detail!  Ed was given an award and we will even get a trip to a tropical location this spring!  We will pay extra to bring the kids along!  We are looking forward to it!

We got home at 10:30 that night and the girls were still having a blast playing with the babysitter!  They were playing Just Dance 3 on Wii!

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