Sunday, April 19, 2015

Sea World Fun gets better and better!

 At 1:30 we went to the dolphin pool where they would be feeding the dolphins.  They would allow people to pet the dolphins once each.  Of course, when it was our turn, Summer had to emergency go to the bathroom so the two of us missed out and I didn't get to have a chance to take pictures and watch the older girls pet the dolphins.  They loved it!!!

 Daddy paid for the girls to feed the seals..$5 per pack of fish.  I have a video of it you will see in a separate post. 
 Today was our lucky day!!!  Kayla and I just happened to be at the right place at the right time!!!  We were asked to be the lucky family of the day and go back stage to meet the dolphins and pilot whales.  In addition we would get to feed the dolphins snowballs!!!

 See the cute little baby dolphin?  I believe she was only 6 months old.  She is in the back row on the left.

 On of the workers was so nice to take my camera and take pictures!!!

Here we got to meet the pilot whales.  The great part is Alyssa has chosen to research the pilot whale for her 6th grade science research paper.

 After such a great back stage experience we just had to watch the show!!!

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