The evolution of KK' coloring has been a very fun process to observe. When she first started coloring she would use one color of crayon and typically only color one thing on each page and keep flipping the pages. We kept trying to get her to slow down and color one page as it gets quite expensive to keep buying new coloring books and neither of them would color the page once one thing was colored on it.
KK then evolved into coloring the entire page but it was all one color. So I was thrilled yesterday when she colored this picture. Not only did she use more than one color, but she stayed in the lines. I think this is very good for just turning three this week. I am so proud of how fast she has come along. The other thing that I feel really lucky about is she has always held her crayon the correct way. I was really lucky with her that I wasn't going to have to correct her holding it with a fist grip.
She still isn't interested in writing letters so I will just have to give her time and wait until she shows interest. Perhaps in the fall once she starts preschool she might want to give it a try. Until then the supplies are there and she can just do it at her own pace.
I use to pull coloring pages off the web. for when the older( young then)Would come to the house,to give them something to do.She did a good job on the picture MOM T
Wow! That's amazing! Timmy is no where near where Kayla is. He doesn't even really stay inside the lines yet....maybe some day soon. :-) She did a great job!!!Love, AMy
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