Saturday, September 19, 2009

Copy Mom

This year I will be volunteering in Aly's class as the copy mom. What a perfect job for me when I have a four year old helper in tow! Actually, when I was teaching, it was one of my favorite things that parent volunteers did for me. It really helps save a lot of prep time for the teacher.

Since I am subbing it is too hard to commit to volunteering a specific day in the classroom. Teachers come to depend on their classroom volunteers and if I have to cancel due to subbing it can be really difficult for the teacher. So that is why being a copy mom is great for me! We have it set up so that I check for copy work on Mondays and Fridays. If I get a sub job I could always do some of it during my break, or do the copy work the next day.

The only downfall is I won't be helping Aly in the classroom. However, I will be there on party days. KK can be pretty disruptive to the class so it really isn't fair to bring her along unless it is an activity that she can't disrupt.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Lets get with this.