Wow, what a week. I was called three days to sub this week! Now that is a big deal considering I am usually only subbing one day a month! Today was casual Friday in the classroom too so it was pretty easy and it is obvious the children love casual Fridays.
There were a few eventful happenings that left me a bit bewildered. They all centered around a little boy in the class too. The littlest guy in the class, we will call him Chase for privacy reasons had a few incidents that could cause some concern. The first thing that was a bit alarming is that he wore pants that were 2-3 sizes too big for him so they kept falling down to his ankles. Of course a few of the kids would tattle saying, "Chase pulled his pants down!" We all know this is not good and I fear what they may have gone home saying to their parents. The truth of the matter is they were just way to big for him and they kept falling down. Now I did try rolling them at the waist and I rolled them three times! I hope that gives you an idea just how big they were. Towards the end of the day one of the other students was mad at him and actually pulled his pants down on purpose!
Now the worst thing that happened in my opinion! Poor Chase, while playing on the playground, another students stuck tan bark in his ear and it went into his ear canal. I sent him with a note to the office to call his mom in case she wanted to take him to the Dr. to have them remove it. Fifteen minutes later they sent him back to class and his mom was just going to have him ride the bus home and she would check it when he got home.
Other than that the day was great. I sure felt like a working parent this week! It's funny because I can see the pros and cons of working v.s. staying home with the girls after such a busy week like this. Guess what next week holds? Yes, I already have a sub job for Monday but this time it will not be Aly's class. I will be subbing in a K/1 combo. I look forward to it too although I am sure I will have a difficult night's sleep the night before as I always have a little anxiety the night before subbing especially when it is an unknown environment.
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