Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Why breakfast is so important for school age children.

I never knew that children would need breakfast so bad until I had my first child enter kindergarten. I am lucky that she eats a good breakfast and have learned that it is super important. Everyday I pack her a great lunch filled with 4-5 nutritious choices and I also pack a 10 ounce container filled with 1/2 juice, 1/2 water. By the time she gets home she still has 3/4 of her lunch and 3/4 of her juice. She is starving and very thirsty and sits at the table after school each day to scarf her lunch down. This is at almost 3:00 p.m. everyday.

I thought perhaps my child was unique in this experience but after asking around to many other parents they say the same thing. Their children are barely eating at school and are starving by the time they come home. For my child I am sure it is because she is too busy talking and doesn't get enough eating in. For other children it could be that they would rather scarf something quick down and go play on the playground.

So if you think about it if your child doesn't have a good breakfast they are literally starving most of the day. This makes it difficult for them to concentrate and learn. So wake up earlier and get that good first meal in. It will help your child tremendously!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I never realized that would happen. I've just been getting better myself at making Taylor and Timmy sit down and eat their breakfast and I'm glad that I do. We don't have the worry of school all day yet but we will next year for Taylor and the poor girl will get home closer to 4:00! I can't even imagine her being away from me for that long but at least I have a year to get used to it. :) I sure hope she will eat her lunch! :) Amy