Friday, August 3, 2007

Cameron Park Lake

Well, yesterday was an incredibly busy day for me. I am currently getting my Honda Passport ready for sale so I had a few "car" errands to run before taking the girls to Cameron Park Lake.

I left the house at 8:40 and didn't get home until 5:00 p.m. Way too many errands for these poor little girls, but with gas prices the way they are, and me living a minimum of 18 miles from most of these errands, I have to get as much done as possible.

The girls had a blast at Cameron Park Lake. We met a friend there who has two boys close in age to the girls. Her eldest son is Nathan who will turn four in Septmember. Her youngest son is Jordan who will turn two in January.

The minute we got to the lake part, KK started running like a crazy lady right to the shore. Before I could get all of my stuff down she was already thigh high deep in the water. This had me petrified so I am chasing after her with all of my clothes on. Luckily I had capris on and I just rolled them up. Once I got KK back I changed her into her swimsuit and changed myself as well. I put her in a lifejacket and got Aly in her suit with her waterwings.

Within minutes KK had her first headfirst plung on the day. Of course I was within arms reach of her so I pulled her out of the water. This pretty much happens everytime we go to the water. The good news is it humbles her and makes her more cautious around the water. So the remander time she spent sticking to me like glue.

It was really fun to watch Aly play with Nathan. It used to be that she was the bossy little girl that would tell everyone what and how they were going to play. She is learning to change this behavior and take turns. It was fun to watch her listen to Nathan's ideas for play and do what he wanted to do. I actually only heard him directing the play the whole time and her following. It was nice to see him in an assertive role as well. He used to just do whatever Aly said so I am glad he is sticking up for his needs as well. This is a good teaching tool for Aly to learn to get along with others.

I had a great time with the girls there. Unfotunately since Annette and I were so busy watching the kidoes we didn't get much time to chat. I would love to go back with hubby sometime. Hopefully he will be up for it before the lake closes in September.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I Love the one of you & KK, looks like a wonderful day! I'll look back and wish I was there come winter time! LOL