Tuesday, July 10, 2007


KK slept horrible again last night. She was up somewhere between 4-5 times again. I was so ready to give up at 5 a.m. this morning and let her just stay in my bed but you know what happened? I pulled her in bed with me and she climbed down and said, " come on, let's go" and went to her bedroom. Pretty funny huh! So I took her back to bed and put her to sleep.

I think last night's sleeping problem could be KK getting her upper 2 year molars in. She hadn't been eating well at all the previous days. She seamed better tonight though. Wish me luck! It will be interesting to see how she sleeps when we go camping. I am going to try and buy those glow in the dark bracelets so KK and Aly aren't too scared. Last year when we went camping Aly was scared of the dark and those bracelets helped.

KK is totally talking up a storm now. It is so cute to watch her. She mostly just talks to herself or the walls, or the toys. ;-) I bet you she is going to be one of those girls that never stop talking--like her mother--he, he. I always got in trouble in school for non-stop talking. I bet she will end up getting in trouble for that as well.

Aly on the other hand likes conversation but she doesn't have to constantly be talking. She seams to be more like her father. She loves the outdoors and loves science as well as nature. They have such a strong bond right now. It is fun to see them together.

As a parent do you ever look at traits in your children and wonder if they come from you or your spouse? Do you only want to claim the "good ones" and pass the "bad ones" off to your spouse? It is pretty funny because both of our children are very strong willed. I think we both take credit for that as parents, but the funny part is that they have different levels of their will power. KK has to always have control of her environment. She wants to make the decisions and she wants do behave on her own terms. She seams more difficult to control. So it gets me asking myself, is she more like me, or hubby? Aly wants to be a leader, she wants to make the rules and have others follow them. She will listen eventually, but has to test the limits at least once. Is Aly more like me, or hubby? WE both have controlling natures and they are very different. Will our children help us see more of our own reflections? What do you think????

1 comment:

nancy said...

individualities, They are them selfs and will change every year. you can't push them into some one their not.And each year will probably be different,as they find them selfs.